90/10 Formula.
Have you heard the argument of 90/10?
Apparently 90% of all wealth in this world controlled only by 10% of the people. Why can so many property controlled by a number of the rich, while on the other hand most other people have taken the trouble to fight 10% of the remaining assets?
One of the reason_'poor-people' that in fact only the workers 'forced' to pay tax every month through wage cuts, while rich people pay taxes once a year, and even then it is said can be negotiated.
Just kidding, sorry that's not the real reason, the real reason is because the rich have a secret recipe that is not taught in ordinary people. This recipe is only revealed in their own families or close relatives, through word of mouth.
Apparently 90% of all wealth in this world controlled only by 10% of the people. Why can so many property controlled by a number of the rich, while on the other hand most other people have taken the trouble to fight 10% of the remaining assets?
One of the reason_'poor-people' that in fact only the workers 'forced' to pay tax every month through wage cuts, while rich people pay taxes once a year, and even then it is said can be negotiated.
Just kidding, sorry that's not the real reason, the real reason is because the rich have a secret recipe that is not taught in ordinary people. This recipe is only revealed in their own families or close relatives, through word of mouth.
By using this recipe, they can live a relaxed without worrying about a lack of money. They do not need to work to earn money, but uanglah who come looking for them.
Unfortunately for ordinary people, to get this secret it takes years of experience and research that deep. After all the secrets that they are following the road is full of tricks and traps, so that without appropriate knowledge, a lot of costs that had spent in vain to try it.
Rich people know,
Unfortunately for ordinary people, to get this secret it takes years of experience and research that deep. After all the secrets that they are following the road is full of tricks and traps, so that without appropriate knowledge, a lot of costs that had spent in vain to try it.
Rich people know,
- Getting the Maximum Results from the Money They;
- Selecting the Most Profitable Investment Path ;
- Children Education Fund Go to Main University;
- Securing Property Of Risk;
- Break Away From Debt;
- Retirement Life Style Without loss;
- Leaving a Legacy Billions To Descendants
You can also provided if you know the secret!
Indonesian Version:
DALIL 90/10
DALIL 90/10
Anda pernah mendengar dalil 90/10?
Ternyata 90% dari seluruh kekayaan yang ada di dunia ini dikuasai hanya oleh 10% dari orang-orang. Mengapa bisa begitu banyak harta yang dikuasai oleh sejumlah kaum kaya, sementara di sisi lain sebagian besar orang lainnya harus bersusah payah untuk memperebutkan 10% sisa harta?
Salah satu penyebabnya_orang ‘miskin” yang notabene hanya kaum pekerja ‘dipaksa’ membayar pajak setiap bulan melalui pemotongan upah, sementara orang-orang kaya membayar pajak setahun sekali, itupun konon bisa dinegosiasikan.
Just kidding, maaf bukan itu alasan yang sebenarnya, Alasan yang sebenarnya disebabkan karena kaum kaya memiliki resep rahasia yang tidak diajarkan pada orang biasa. Resep ini hanya diturunkan pada keluarga sendiri atau kerabat dekat, lewat mulut ke mulut.
Dengan menggunakan resep ini, mereka dapat hidup santai tanpa perlu khawatir kekurangan uang. Mereka tidak perlu bekerja untuk mencari uang, melainkan uanglah yang datang mencari mereka.
Sayangnya bagi orang biasa, untuk mendapatkan rahasia ini dibutuhkan pengalaman bertahun-tahun dan penelitian yang dalam. Lagipula jalan rahasia yang mereka tempuh penuh dengan trik dan jebakan, sehingga tanpa pengetahuan yang memadai, akan banyak biaya yang terpaksa dikeluarkan secara sia-sia untuk mencobanya.
Orang Kaya Tahu
Bagaimana Caranya:
Bagaimana Caranya:
Mendapatkan Hasil Maksimal dari Uang Mereka
Memilih Jalur Investasi yang Paling Menguntungkan
Mendanai Pendidikan Anak Ke Universitas Unggulan
Mengamankan Harta Benda Dari Resiko
Melepaskan Diri Dari Hutang
Pensiun Tanpa kehilangan Life Style
Meninggalkan Warisan Milyaran Untuk Keturunan
Anda Juga Bisa Asalkan Anda Tahu Rahasianya!!!
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